Purpose Initiatives Purpose Initiatives

"Our Purpose is to enrich mind, body, earth or soul with the freedom of riding"

Our purpose is to enrich mind, body, earth or soul with the freedom of riding. At 99 Bikes, we believe in living by our purpose, which is why we have initiatives in place to make sure the world is a better place with us in it. As a member of Pedal Group, we are guided by 10 philosophies that help us make and challenge decisions every day. The 10th philosophy states “Purpose Drives Profit”. Profit is the best measure of success, but that is worth nothing if we don’t execute our core purpose. We do the right thing, not the easy or self serving thing. Our philosophies and purpose are our longstanding beliefs and these initiatives are some of the ways we act on them.

Social Initatives

$0.0 million

Donated since 2016 on our employee’s behalf to charities of their choice
People Initatives


Of our buildings to have solar panels by 2025
Ride to Work

0+ km

Our staff have ridden to work in 2024

Our purpose initiatives

Environmental Initatives

Without a conscious effort to make a positive environmental impact, we would be unable to live by our purpose to enrich mind, body, earth or soul with the freedom of riding. Our wide range of environmental initiatives aims to make the world a better place because we are in it. We are always striving for continuous improvement and constantly looking for ways to achieve better outcomes for the environment.

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Social Initatives

When it comes to living by our philosophies and making the world a better place, doing is much more important than talking about it. We aim to be The World’s Most Approachable Bike Shops and these initiatives help us give back to the community, welcome everyone into our stores and make coming to work enjoyable for all of our people.

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Employee Initatives

Our number 1 philosophy is our people because the company is our people. We have high expectations of performance and teamwork and promote from within. We nurture, trust and invest in our people and we include everyone. These initiatives are offered to help our people improve themselves, their health and well-being while achieving great things.

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